
IMG_3127Sometimes when you’re trying to kick a bad habit, the best thing to do is to replace it with another, better habit. If you don’t, you’re going to have a big void and you’ll fill it with something eventually. This is true in all areas of life including what you eat.

I was reminded of this today when I was preparing my tuna for lunch. Normally I eat it on crackers but I made it in romaine lettuce boats and put some atop cucumber slices. It was just as delicious and twice as healthy. This is a new habit I should create. There’s no reason to go back to crackers! Sometimes going without something is harder than it needs to be. There’s no need to overcomplicate things when the solution can be this easy.

Speaking of substitutions. Do your kids love fruit snacks? (I do!) Last night I made some freshly juiced apple gelatin jigglers for my son (and us) which he enjoyed for breakfast this morning. He’s just learning to feed himself and the grass-fed gelatin is great for his developing digestive system. They’re so easy to make (just fresh, organic juice and gelatin) and of course they’re in fun little shapes!

Last of my cooking today included roasting a spaghetti squash in preparation for Sabbath morning’s spaghetti squash fritters (recipe from Well Fed 2). I’ve made these before and they’re so savory and delicious. Roasting the spaghetti squash ahead of time (it takes about 60-90 minutes to roast a large one) saves me stress and prep time so that I can (mostly) relax on God’s day of rest. I also plan on making some pumpkin muffins for church so I’m not tempted/envious of any of the treats I don’t want to eat. Remember, preparation is key! Don’t expect to enjoy being on a sugar detox if you don’t give yourself fun, delicious options when you know you’ll be tempted or just plain hungry.

What special breakfast foods do you like to eat on the weekends? I’ve got some great recipes for biscuits, pancakes and cinnabites that are Advanced Plan approved!